THE ART OF ACCUMULATION : 10-Session Workshop with Vi Khi Nao
Admission: $275
Location: Virtual | Poetry Project
Summary: 10 - Sessions | Tuesdays, 7 - 9 pm Eastern | September 13th - November )
This is a prompt-driven, time-based workshop. It is designed to be highly generative and productive and potentially collaborative. The time to be fearless is Nao, not later.
SPRING 2022: ENGL 5229 Poetry Workshop M: 3:35 - 6:05
ENGL 5279 Studies in Poetry: Contemporary Vietnamese Poets W: 3:35 - 6:05
ENGL 5279-001
This is a literature course for poets. In this course, we will read, discuss, explore, and consider the work of the collective from She Who Has No Master(s) —poets such as Dao Strom, Diana Khoi Nguyen, Barbara Tran, Cathy Linh Che, Jessica Q Stark, Hoa Nguyen, Lan Duong, Stacey Tran, etc. The collective is composed of Vietnamese and Vietnamese diasporic women, gender-fluid poets/writers whose work are often genre-defying and coetaneous.
9780996316743 - A Bestiary - required
9781632430526 - Ghost Of - required
9781734456622 - Instrument - required
9781889876047 - Watermark : Vietnamese American Poetry an...
9781938584053 - Split - required
9781938160523 - The Secret of Hoa Sen - required
9781950268184 - A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure - required
978-0982617731 - Savage Pageant -required
978-0998736259 - Soap for Dogs - required
ENGL 5229-001
This is a graduate poetry workshop. In this course, we will read and explore the work of T'ai Freedom Ford, Sawako Nakayasu, Sarah Ruhl, Jackie Wang, and other poets of unreasonably piquant literary palette. We will use the play form to embrace, emulate, edit and produce exciting, innovative, and captivatingly sonic poetic material for obsolescence and recreational posterity. We will build our very own literary ice sculptures in the high desert.
9780573662447 - Eurydice - required
9780999501214 - & More Black - required
9781886224988 - Hurry Home Honey : Love Poems 1994-2004 - required.
9781643620367 - The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void - required
Scholar-in-Residence: University of Colorado, Boulder
A Thousand Microreviews for Hoa Nguyen
FALL 2021: ENGL 4021—Advanced Poetry Workshop Tue/Thu : 11:10 - 12:25
ENGL 4051—Advanced Fiction Workshop Tue/Thu: 9:35 - 10:50
EKPHRASTICISM AS AN ANTIDOTE TO BOREDOM: Workshop with Vi Khi Nao (Hosted by Wendy's Subway
This is an online workshop and will take place over Zoom:
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2021
Time: 1pm-3pm EST (2 hours)
Capacity: 20 participants
Cost: $25- $75 (Sliding scale, discounted from $40-90)
Register here
We live in an anti-ecological city, comprising millions of images and sounds, especially as our lives continue to be defined by Zoom. How do we slow down? What will compel us to slow down? What will give us the necessary spatial, psychological, and intellectual boundaries against the information, voices, and images flooding the flickering avenues of our eyesight and the hyper trafficked streets of our imagination? How do we cope with hyperrealism?
A standard definition of the Greek word emphasis, or ecphrasis, is "the description of a work of art produced as a rhetorical exercise. It is a vivid, often dramatic, verbal description of a visual work of art, either real or imagined." Ekprasticism, in the technological or Zoom sense, is the art of gazing without boredom, with complete utter autonomy and awareness of the object/material before us. Here, the viewer and the artwork can be in conversation without needing to tolerate each other's indifference and impetuousness.
This workshop is designed to slow your consciousness down, to give your mind the quality attention it deserves so that your consciousness can breathe again, can process time and oxygen again.
6-WEEK ONLINE POETRY WORKSHOP (Mid-Feb - End of March 2020)
Maximum Class Size: 4 FULL (Registration closed)
Tuition: $350
Through poetry.
The ability to have two faces at once: the face of an ephemeral candor + clamor of where you are in history, where you are in between the liminal door of ache + condensation & the face of ardent transient amnesia. In those cervices that might speak about what you want + what you might forget. Poetry is ardor without compensation. An immoral law that you invent for yourself so that others may come to know that you are most mournful when you are no longer savages. Poetry is an offspring of time, but not a mistress of fiction (though who has the authority to contradict?) This is poetry, folks.
How often are we expected to meet?
Once a week for 2 hours.
Are there prompts?
What if I don't like to write or read?
You are doomed.
Will there be a reading list?
Yes and this list will appear in the provided syllabus.
What to expect from the 6-week online workshop:
*Writing exercises
*Typed remarks on poems of all workshopped classmates.
*Read all required text
*Skype conference with instructor once during the course.
How do refunds work?
End of 1st week of class: 70%
End of 2nd week of class: 40%
End of 3rd week of class: 0%
What does the instructor expect from her students?
Punctuality (be on time)
Openness (unlock your emotional wallet)
Honesty (face your fear nao rather than later)
Generosity (give more than what is asked of you)
Communication (voice your enthusiasms, concerns, and thoughts)
Using Exotic Fruits To Write Erotic and/or Sad Poems
This workshop is designed to invite your creative faculty to exploit and transform seed-bearing botanic vessels of fecundity and edible beauties into poems of literary delicacy. Through innovative prompts, your poems will be poetically harvested and fertilized and at times dehisced using bright, carnal instincts. We will be inspired and structured by jackfruits, rambutans, cherimoyas, kiwanos, guavas, golden berries, jujubes, etc. We will turn to these exotic fruits to generate verdant poems that will make readers cry and eroticize. We will also turn to our contemporaries, poets of fruit writing, for guidance, sadness, and delirium. By the end of the workshop, we will produce ten poems. Each with a leaf attached to its head.
Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 11 AM – 1 PM MST: Tucson, AZ
Tuition: $63 | Hosted by Casa Libre
Poetry is not a language of permission or relevance. It’s not a place you return to for inquiry or discipline. If you think poetry is designed to subdue or masquerade or make others breathless, I think you have come to the wrong place. You have arrived here because you have expected poetry to forgive you. But, there is no forgiveness here, just a stab in the darkness with eloquence. Please see writing poetry as a laundry mat, a place where you insert your lopsided, meandering, possibly dirty emotions and intellects into a side-way bowl and you watch them spin in a mad, vicious cycle and you think once you walk into this poetic space you will be soaked and cleaned or even blowdried or not deterred as in deterrent. But poetry here in this digital space or gap is not a mathematical investment in beauty or in despair or in the collection of coins. You are here because you are bored and not alive enough or too alive. You have arrived here because you believe in residue, in peppermint extract, in aluminum foil, in cold water, in medium heat, and you don’t want to shrink your imagination which has been wearing too many blue jeans lately. You learn very quickly that modern laundry detergents work better in cold water and that not all poetry is written in cold water for better effect. You are probably here because you want to smell good. You have arrived here, most accurately, because you want to wash your clothes.
c.d. wright: her existence
Aykut Aydogdu: digital artworks
Lin Yung Cheng: photographs
Dao Strom: escape for the moment
Henn Kim: conceptual comic
Morten Lasskogen: 3D Artist
Yoann Bourgeois: artiste de cirque
Dario Mitidieri: portraits
Silllda: korean made in tokyo
Tammy Nguyen: portraits of forest city
Mimi Choi:make up
Najlaa Eltom: The Immortal Felony w/ Earrings
Kae Tempest: Firesmoke
Diana Khoi Nguyen: textual innovation
Daehyun Kim: mind illustration
Zhong Lin: art direct
Fi Jae Lee: paintings & sculptures
Joyce Lin: negative chair
10-WEEK ONLINE WORKSHOP (July 5- September 6. 2018)
Maximum Class Size: 9
Tuition: $375
How often are we expected to meet?
Once a week for 90 minutes.
Are there prompts?
What if I don't like to write or read?
You are doomed.
Will there be a reading list?
Yes and this list will appear in the provided syllabus.
What to expect from the 10-week online workshop:
*Writing exercises
*Typed remarks on poems of all workshopped classmates.
*Read all required text
*Skype conference with instructor once during the course.
How do refunds work?
End of 1st week of class: 80%
End of 2nd week of class: 50%
End of 3rd week of class: 0%
What does the instructor expect from her students?
Punctuality (be on time)
Openness (unlock your emotional wallet)
Honesty (face your fear nao rather than later)
Generosity (give more than what is asked of you)
Communication (voice your enthusiasms, concerns, and thoughts)